Banner painting for: Cut the Ties with Genocide Camp
Monday Feb. 3 at 18:00 - 21:00

Banner painting for: Cut the Ties with Genocide Camp

OBS! Vi er ikke arrangører af Cut the ties lejren, men støtter lejren fuldt ud og bidrager aktivt til den. For at kontakte arrangørerne, kan man skrive til dem her:

Kom til bannermaling mandag den 3. februar, hvor vi maler bannere og andet materiale til Cut the ties with genocide lejren i Ungdomshuset, fra Fredag den 21. februar til onsdag den 26. februar!

Vi maler bannere imod Maersks våbeneksport til staten Israel – endnu et åbenlyst eksempel på, hvordan den danske imperialisme aktivt tjener penge på zionisternes folkemord mod palæstinensere.

Vi holder åbent i Folkets Café i Folkets Hus (Stengade 50, 2200 Kbh. N.) fra 18:00, hvor vi forventer at male til 21:00. Kom med og få en kop kaffe eller te, lyt til musik og få en snak over bannermalingen. Vi glæder os til at se jer!

Link til lejrens begivenhed:…

Attention! We are not the organisers of the Cut the Ties Camp, but we support the camp fully and are actively contributing to it. To contact the organisers, you can write to them here:

Come along for a banner painting on Monday 3rd of February, where we will paint banners and other material for the Cut the Ties with Genocide Camp in Ungdomshuset, from Friday 21st of February to Wednesday 26th of February!

We are painting banners against the weapons export of Maersk to the state of Israel – yet another blatant example of how Danish imperialism is actively profiting on the Zionist genocide against Palestinians.

We are keeping open in Folkets Café in Folkets Hus (Stengade 50, 2200 Kbh N.) from 18:00, where we expect to paint until 21:00. Come along and get a cup of coffee or tea, listen to music and have a talk over the banner painting. We are looking forward to see you!

Link for the event of the camp:…


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N