Folkets Hus


Et lokalt, socialt og politisk brugerstyret hus i hjertet af Nørrebro. Her kan du lære dine naboer at kende, dyrke sport, drikke kaffe, se film, lave folkekøkken, hænge ud og meget, meget mere! Folkets Hus drives af frivillige Nørrebroere. Vi har højt til loftet og rigeligt med plads til gode ideer og lokalt engagement. Huset er brugerstyret, og vi holder jævnligt Fællesmøder, hvor vi tager stilling til, hvordan huset skal drives.

Hvis begivenheden forgår i sportsrummet, brug denne lokation, Men ellers skriv det i events teksten, hvilken etage dit event forgår på, opret ikke særskilt lokation, på den måde kan man nemt se hvad der foregår i hele huset.

På denne side kan du se vores faste åbningstimer. Fordi at de kan skifte lidt opdaterer vi også hver uge med den specifikke ugens åbningstider.


A local, social and political user-controlled house in the heart of Nørrebro. Here you can get to know your neighbours, practice sports, drink coffee, watch movies, go to community kitchens, hang out and much, much more! Folkets Hus is run by volunteer Nørrebro'ers. We have a high ceiling and lots of place for ideas and engagement. The house is user run, and we commonly hold house meetings where we decide how the house should be run.

If the event takes place in the sport's room, use the separate location. Otherwise, write in the event text which floor the event takes place on, and don't create a separate location. In that way it is easy to see what is going on in the whole house.

On this page you can see our recurring opening times. Since it varies a bit, we also update every week with the specific opening times of that week.

UGE/WEEK 2 (6/1 - 12/1)
Mon: 18-22
Tue: 18-22
Wed: 10-21
Thu: 18-22
Fri: -
Sat: 14-20
Sun: 10-18

UGE/WEEK 3 (13/1 - 19/1)
Mon: -
Tue: 15-19
Wed: 10-21
Thu: 18-22
Fri: 14-22
Sat: 14-20
Sun: 10-13

Opening hours

Monday 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Even weeks
Tuesday 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Even weeks
Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Even weeks
Wednesday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Odd weeks
Thursday 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Odd weeks
Friday 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Weekly
Saturday 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Weekly
Sunday 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Even weeks



Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N

Upcoming events