Oplæg- og filmaften om Revolutionen i Peru
Monday Sept. 16 at 19:00 - 21:00

Oplæg- og filmaften om Revolutionen i Peru

by Antiimperialistisk Kollektiv

**English blow**

Antiimperialistisk Kollektiv vil mandag den 16. september gerne invitere til film- og oplægsaften i anledning af 32-årsdagen for Formand Gonzalos historiske tale den 24. september 1992.
Formand Gonzalo er lederen af den peruvianske revolution imod imperialisme, feudalisme og al slag udbytning. Han rejste Perus Kommunistiske Parti (PCP) fra ingenting og transformerede Partiet til en krigsmaskine til at lede folket til sejr mod deres undertrykkere i Folkekrigen i Peru.
Revolutionen i Peru er fortsat den største trussel mod USA-imperialismens hegemoni i Latinamerika. Derfor satte de alt ind for at fange ham i 1992, holde ham i tortur og isolationsfængsel i 39 år, for at myrde ham de 11. september 2021.
Perus reaktion og USA troede de havde besejret revolutionen i 1992 da de først havde fanget ham, men Formand Gonzalo knuste disse drømme da han holdte en historisk tale fra sit bur foran verdenspressen på live-tv. Folkekrigen i Peru fortsætter den dag i dag og intensiveres. Den er en lysende fakkel for enhver der ønsker at lave revolution. Vi vil derfor gerne invitere alle, som er interesserede, til at høre om betydningen af revolutionen i Peru og Formand Gonzalos historiske tale i Folkets Café i Folkets Hus, mandag den 16. september kl. 19:00, hvor oplæg, diskussioner og bl.a. dokumentaren »You Must Tell the World« vil blive vist.


Anti-Imperialist Collective would like to invite on Monday, September 16th to the film and presentation evening on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's historical speech on September 24, 1992.
Chairman Gonzalo is the Leader of the Peruvian Revolution against imperialism, feudalism and all exploitation. He raised the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) from nothing and transformed the Party into a war machine to lead the people to victory against their oppressors in the People's War in Peru.
The Revolution in Peru remains the greatest threat to US imperialist hegemony in Latin America. Therefore, they put in everything to capture him in 1992, keeping him in torture and solitary confinement for 39 years, to murder him on September 11, 2021.
Peru's reaction and the United States thought they had defeated the revolution in 1992 when they first caught him, but Chairman Gonzalo crushed these dreams as he gave a Historical Speech from his cage in front of the world press on live TV. The People's War in Peru continues to this day and intensifies. It is a luminous torch for anyone who wants to make revolution. We would therefore like to invite everyone who is interested to hear about the importance of the revolution in Peru and Chairman Gonzalo's Historical Speech in the People's Café in the Folkets Hus, Monday 16th of September at 19:00, where presentations, discussions and The documentary "You Must Tell The World" will be shown.


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N