Olla Común 🥘 - South American Community Kitchen
Thursday Aug. 29 at 18:00 - 22:00

Olla Común 🥘 - South American Community Kitchen

by Olla Común

******ENGLISH BELOW******
Hola a todes
Les esperamos a las 18.00 en el primero piso de La Casa del Pueblo para la Olla Comun de cada mes. La comida se sirve a las 18.30!

Esta vez les ofrecemos un delicioso Sancocho vegano 😋 les gusto mucho la anterior vez y esta vez probaremos una nueva receta de sancocho colombiano

Si todo sale bien, de nuevo tendremos musiquita y unos drinks aperitivos. Los esperamos!!

Para las donaciones por favor traigan efectivo pero tambien hay MobilePay

Esta olla la dedicamos a la memoria de nuestra paisa a quien tragica e injustamente mataron aqui en Copenhague. Todo lo recaudado ira a los gastos de repatriacion y asistencia economica a su familia. Mas informacion aqui: https://www.gofundme.com/f/6krw5-a-beautiful-woman

Hi everyone!
Join us for the monthly Olla Comun at 18.00 at the first floor of FolketsHus. Food is served at 18.30

This time we'll do a delicious vegan Sancocho 😋 we have done it before but this time we'll try a different recipe

In case you don't know Sancocho is a dish that can be found in most South American countries but particularly in the Caribbean. This time we'll attempt to do a colombian one

If all works out, once again we'll have some music and drinks ;)))

For donations please bring cash although MobilePay also works

This olla is in dedication and benefit of of a south american trans woman that was tragically and unjustly murdered here in Copenhagen. For more information please check this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/6krw5-a-beautiful-woman


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N