REKO Aarhus Farmer's Market
Sunday March 9 at 12:00 - 14:00
Recurring second Sunday of month

REKO Aarhus Farmer's Market

by REKO Aarhus

Come and join us for REKO markets, held at the square in front of Fikumdik Kaffe in Aarhus C🌿 REKO Aarhus is a community for direct trade between local consumers and food producers in the Aarhus area, and we hope you want to be part of the community! Meet your producer face-to-face and bring home some delicious, local goods.

P.S. We hold markets on the 2nd Sunday of the month, at the same time and place, so keep an eye out for upcoming events.

Upcoming dates


Fikumdik Kaffe
Trindsøvej 4
8000 Aarhus C