Friday Feb. 21 at 18:00
to Feb. 26, 2025 at 18:00


Dansk i bunden

Please sign up here for attending…

It would be great if you can sign up as soon as possible so we can get a good overview of how many people to expect. You can also sign up as a group so not everyone has to sign up individually.

For security reasons, we recommend you to not use your passport name and to use a privacy-focused e-mail as contact (such as rise-up) but you should not stress too much over it if this all sounds weird and complicated to you. We will hopefully also have time at the camp to talk about security culture in activism together.

If you live in Copenhagen and are able to host people:…

It would be great if you can sign up as soon as possible so we can get a good overview of how many sleeping spots we have available (and how much effort we have to put into finding more...). We will only allocate people to you at the day of arrival, so you can still let us know if your plans change until then.

If you have questions you can reach out to us


This is an invitation to join forces in end February to protest against the international weapons trade, the genocide in Palestine, and colonialist mega-corporations. A coalition of activists in Copenhagen is hosting a mass protest camp to Cut Ties With Genocide.

We have all been on the streets a lot, protesting and marching for justice and an end to genocide. It is time to gather our forces and demand that we stop being complicit and instead cut ties with genocide. Copenhagen is the host-city of some of Europe's largest war criminals: companies producing the weapons, banks financing it, and shipping and logistics companies that facilitate the weapons trade.

Maersk is one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies and without Maersk, Israel would not have the weapons to commit its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, and the killings and bombardments in Lebanon, Yemen and Syria. Internationally people are mobilizing against Maersk these months, to protest against their complicity and direct facilitation of the genocide in Palestine. Maersk is a Danish company and is one of the most profitable companies on earth, and nearly impossible to protest against alone - so this is the time to stand together!

A coalition of grassroots and activist groups are calling for a mass protest camp against war criminals in their headquarter city: Copenhagen. Join us!
Cut Ties with Genocide Protest Camp
Date: 21-26th of February 2025.
🏙️There will be multiple days of program where we can learn, share, train, discuss strategy, become acquainted and protest. The camp will take place indoor, and there will be vegan food and accommodation provided.

We want to gather to build community and networks that can build and fight for a better world. We want to gather to show the war criminals that they are the ones that stand alone. We want to gather to do sustainable activism that can carry people through their lives, and give our networks strength and energy across borders. We want to gather to share and learn the skills and information that makes us better able to resist.

We are not alone in this: Denmark is being sued for their participation in the weapon export to Israel. The court dates are in end February 2025, right after this protest camp.
Get involved: We are hoping this will be a action camp with broad and international participation - and we need your help to do that! We are especially looking for:
🌟Help mobilizing and spreading the word (sharing the event, holding an info talk, making an action training),
🌟Economic support to arrange bus travels from other places
Please answer back with if you can imagine getting involved in anything like that. Our email is

📘Read more about the Mask of Mærsk campaign:
📘Read more about the upcoming court case against the Danish state:…

Cut Ties With Genocide Protest Camp are organized by a coalition of activists from different groups and movements. For updates on the event you can:
📩 Follow @CRAC_collective on Instagram
📩 Check out our website:
📩 Sign up for our email list on

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Aktivister i København hjælper med at finde sovepladser. Hvis du har en soveplads til overs, så kontakt os på mail

Dette er en invitation til at gå sammen i slut-februar for at protestere mod den internationale våbenhandel, folkedrabet i Palæstina og kolonialistiske megavirksomheder. En koalition af aktivister i København er vært for en masseprotest camp for at Cut Ties With Genocide.

Vi har alle været meget på gaden og protesteret og marcheret for retfærdighed og for at stoppe folkedrab. Det er på tide at samle vores kræfter og kræve, at vi holder op med at være medskyldige og i stedet kapper båndene til folkedrab. København er værtsby for nogle af Europas største krigsforbrydere: virksomheder, der producerer våben, banker, der finansierer dem, og shipping- og logistikvirksomheder, der faciliterer våbenhandlen.

Mærsk er en af verdens største shipping- og logistikvirksomheder, og uden Mærsk ville Israel ikke have våben til at begå folkedrabet på palæstinenserne i Gaza og drabene og bombardementerne i Libanon, Yemen og Syrien. Internationalt mobiliseres der i disse måneder mod Mærsk for at protestere mod deres medvirken og direkte facilitering af folkedrabet i Palæstina. Mærsk er en dansk virksomhed og en af de mest profitable virksomheder i verden, og det er næsten umuligt at protestere mod dem alene - så det er nu, vi skal stå sammen!

En koalition af græsrods- og aktivistgrupper opfordrer til en masseprotestlejr mod krigsforbrydere i deres hovedkvarter: København. Kom og vær med!
Cut Ties With Genocide Protestcamp
Dato: 21-26. Februar 2025.
🏙️Der vil være flere dages program, hvor vi kan lære, dele, træne, diskutere strategi, lære hinanden at kende og protestere. Lejren finder sted indendørs, og der vil blive sørget for vegansk mad og indkvartering.

Vi vil samles for at opbygge fællesskaber og netværk, der kan opbygge og kæmpe for en bedre verden. Vi vil samles for at vise krigsforbryderne, at det er dem, der står alene. Vi vil samles for at lave bæredygtig aktivisme, der kan bære folk gennem deres liv og give vores netværk styrke og energi på tværs af grænser. Vi vil samles for at dele og lære de færdigheder og informationer, der gør os bedre i stand til at gøre modstand.

Vi er ikke alene om dette: Danmark bliver sagsøgt for sin deltagelse i våbeneksporten til Israel. Datoerne for retssagen er i slutningen af februar 2025, lige efter denne protestlejr.
Tag del: Vi håber, at det bliver en actioncamp med bred og international deltagelse - og vi har brug for jeres hjælp til at gøre det! Vi er især på udkig efter:
🌟Hjælp til at mobilisere og sprede budskabet (dele begivenheden, holde en info-tale, lave en action-træning),
🌟Økonomisk støtte til at arrangere busrejser fra andre steder
Skriv til os - vores email er

📘Læs mere om Mask of Mærsk-kampagnen:
📘Læs mere om den kommende retssag mod den danske stat:…

Cut Ties With Genocide Protest Camp er organiseret af en koalition af aktivister. Følg med og få løbende opdateringer ved at:
📩 Følge @CRAC_collective på Instagram
📩 Følge med på vores website:
📩 Meld dig til vores email liste ved at sende en email til Cut Ties With Genocide!


Ungdomshuset (kbh)
Dortheavej 61
2400 København NV.