Yazan Stays! - Yazan á heima hér
Friday Sept. 20 at 16:00 - 18:00

Yazan Stays! - Yazan á heima hér

by Frælsisfylking Anarkistanna

Friday the 20th of September at 16:00 we'll gather outside the Icelandic Embassy in Copenhagen and show that we stand with Yazan Tamimi and refuse to stay silent in the face of increased police violence against refugees in Iceland.

On monday the 16th of September, during the cover of night the Icelandic government tried to deport 11 year old Yazan Tamimi. Yazan is a palestinian refugee diagnosed with duchene muscular dystrofy, currently in Iceland to recieve treatment. However the government of Iceland wants to deport him and his family, his doctor has issued a statement detailing how the mere act of putting him on an airplane could be fatal, and that removing him from his current treatment options in Iceland would result in a severe decrease in his life expectancy.
His deportation has been temporary delayed, but there is no time to waste.

We're calling all to act for Yazan, spread the word, and show up to actions and demonstrations in your area.


Islands Ambassade
Strandgade 89
1401 Copenhagen