Anarchist Students at Aarhus University (ASAU) and Palestinian Solidarity Action (PSA) invites you to a screening of the short film Rafah Garden; a documentary filmed at the encampment of the same name at Copenhagen University in the spring of 2024.
Director Arturo Fabbro will be joining us to introduce his film and answer questions about its creation. After the screening, there will be time for conversation and debate about the topics raised by the film.
Location: Studenterhuset in room 1422-132 (PH-stuen).
We will bring the movie and snacks, if you bring the good company. Deal? 😊
Synopsis of the film:
This film is not about Palestine. It is not even about the Danish higher education system, and the deep changes it has been subject to in the past. This film is not about the world after the fall of the Soviet Union, and it is most certainly not about the origin of the bloody conflict between Israelis and Arabs. This film is about ourselves, how we have become disillusioned with the idea that politics can change our world, and how we can move beyond that, to achieve real justice.
Director’s statement:
The film was shot in May 2024 at the encampment that the students of Copenhagen University set up to protest their university’s involvements in supporting the actions of the Israeli state. With this movie, I wished to express my total discontent with a political class (both on the right, but especially on the left) that has proven itself to be completely unwilling, and factually incapable of challenging Israel’s criminal actions and, more broadly speaking, to offer a political alternative to the current state of things. – Arturo Fabbro