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by Gryde
Gryde’s Craggly Crops is a project all about Surplus food and finding it a use .Weekly we are running a foodsaving/food sharing event.At these events we bring surplus saved foods we get from our collaborating Markets and give them out to anyone who has use for them.
So join in saving food ,helping the environment by it not ending in a landfill and instead becoming a lovely meal for you and anyone you care to share with!
Boxes of food are gifted to you,you can also tip/donate—which helps us continue,20-40 kr do so much of the magic!
Join as a volunteer,we are currently looking for people available from 7-12am,we are looking for drivers (has a B driver License) and people who can help moving and lifting 5-10kg boxes.
~Gryde 🍲🥗🍉🍨🥞✨🥘🥘🥘🥘