embodied climate action: a journey through movement, connection, and creative expression
Friday Sept. 20 at 15:00 - 17:30

embodied climate action: a journey through movement, connection, and creative expression

by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Aarhus

//////// DANSK /////////
Til denne workshop vil vi sammen lave en stedsspecifik opvarmning for både krop og sanser. Her vil vi blive bevidste om vores omgivelser og vores relation til denne.

Herefter vil vi fordybe os i akrobatiske øvelser for alle niveauer, både sammen og alene. Til slut vil vi lave vores "Passion Cause workshop", hvor du får muligheden for at skrive, tænke, skabe og vise, hvad det er du brænder for at ændre i verden, og hvordan du kan kombinere det med din egen kreativitet.
Vi vil guide dig gennem det hele og workshoppen er for alle.

Medbring: behageligt tøj, som du kan bevæge dig i, blyant og papir, og vandflaske
Varighed: 2½ time
Værter: Heidi Miikki and Amund Bentsen
Acting for Climate er et perfoming arts kompagni, der arbejder med at inspirere andre til at handle for en mere bæredygtig fremtid.

Følg vores arbejde her @actingforclimate / www.actingforclimate.com

Denne workshop er en del af klimafestivalen Climate
Justice Days. Se det fulde program her: https://dukop.dk/6656/

////////// ENGLISH /////////
In this workshop we will do a site specific warm up for both your body and your senses. Here we tune in to the environment around us and how we relate to it.

After that we will immerse ourselves in group acrobatic exercises for all levels, together and alone. Finally we will do our Passion Cause Workshop, where you get the opportunity to write, think, create, and show a combination of what you burn to change in the world and how to combine it with your own creativity.
We will guide you through everything, and everybody can join.

Bring something comfortable to wear, pen and paper, and a water bottle.
Duration: 2½ hours
Hosted by: Heidi Miikki and Amund Bentsen
Acting for Climate is a performing arts company that works to inspire people to act for a more sustainable future.

Follow our work here: @actingforclimate / www.actingforclimate.com

This event is part of the Climate Justice Days, check the main event for the full program: https://dukop.dk/6656/


Inge Lehmanns Gade 22
8000 Aarhus