Dyrefrigørelsesmarch | Animal Liberation March
Saturday Aug. 31 at 14:00 - 18:00

Dyrefrigørelsesmarch | Animal Liberation March

(English below)

Skal du med til danmarkshistoriens største march for dyrene?

Lørdag d. 31. august 2024 afholder vi for første gang nogensinde dyreFRIGØRELSESmarch, og vi planlægger, at det skal være den største march, der nogensinde er afholdt i Danmark for dyrene. Dette bliver et historisk event, som du ikke vil gå glip af og en unik mulighed for at sprede viden om de grusomheder, dyrene hver eneste dag lever og dør i.

Hvorfor marche for dyrene?
Vi lever i en verden hvor milliarder dyr hver eneste dag lider pga. mennesker. Dyr, der har fået frataget alt, som bare ønsker at leve. Dyrene skriger efter hjælp, men ingen lytter, så vi må forsøge at være deres stemme. Desto flere af os, som råber, desto højere er vores stemme, og dermed øger vi chancen for, at nogen vil lytte.

Kom med d. 31. august, når vi marcherer for total dyrefrigørelse.

Dyrefrigørelse nu!

Flere detaljer kommer tættere på datoen.


Are you joining the biggest march for animals in Danish history?

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, we're hosting the first ever Animal Liberation March, and we're planning for it to be the largest march ever held in Denmark for the animals. This will be a historic event you won't want to miss and a unique opportunity to spread awareness about the cruelty animals live and die in every single day.

Why march for the animals?

We live in a world where billions of animals suffer every day at the hands of humans. Animals, who have been deprived of everything, who just want to live. Animals are crying out for help, but no one is listening, so we must try to be their voice. The more of us who shout, the louder our voice is, increasing the chance that someone will listen.

Join us on August 31st as we march for total animal liberation.

Animal liberation now!
More details coming closer to the date.


To Be Announced: The location's location will be announced later.