Lecture by Dr. Maya Wind: Academic boycott: Role of Israeli Universities in supporting Israel ́s Apartheid regime Lecture by Dr. Maya Wind: Academic boycott: Role of Israeli Universities in supporting Israel ́s Apartheid regime Lecture by Dr. Maya Wind: Academic boycott: Role of Israeli Universities in supporting Israel ́s Apartheid regime
Tuesday Sept. 3 at 09:30 - 12:15

Lecture by Dr. Maya Wind: Academic boycott: Role of Israeli Universities in supporting Israel ́s Apartheid regime

by Academics For Palestine

We are excited to welcome Dr. Maya Wind,
Killam Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia and specialist of the link between settler societies and global systems of militarism and policing, in Copenhagen on September 3rd as part of an international tour in Scandinavia.

She is the author of "Towers of Ivory and Steel:
How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom" (Verso 2024),
a very detailed analysis of the complicity of Israeli universities with the Apartheid system in place in Israël and the occupied territories.

The event will take place on September 3rd on Room 5.1.16, CSS Campus, University of Copenhagen, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. The program will be as follow:

9:30am- 10:00am: Representatives from the Students Against Occupation will give a brief presentation of their collective struggle together with the pro-Palestinian student and academic movement so far and on their achievements (KU divestment from companies complicit to Israeli settler colonialism and ongoing genocide).

10:00am-10:35am: Maya will give a talk about the role of Israeli universities in the Israeli occupation and Israeli settler colonialism and military projects.

10:35am-11:30am: Q & A

11:30-11:45: book selling, all proceeds to higher education in Gaza

11:45am - 12:00pm: Visiting Rafah garden, where the student encampment took place

The event will include a zoom session to allow people to join remotely. Please find the QR code to join on the poster, or simply click here: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/61455982171?pwd=CuEo4Aa…

We hope to see as many folks as possible !

P.S.: if you want to get involved, please consider joining our mailing list (https://academicsforpalestine.eo.page/pgnyr) and sign our petition demanding academic boycott of complicit Israeli universities (https://academicsforpalestine.dk/sign/)


CSS - Center for Sundhed og Samfund
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen