by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Aarhus
What can you do to enhance the green transition? And how do you gain influence on where wind turbines and solar panels are built?
In a local energy community, you get co-determination and the opportunity to actively contribute to making sustainable energy. This way, you also decide where the solar panels are to be installed. An energy community not only supports the green transition - but also the local community you live in.
At this Climate Café, you will meet Zhe Zhang from Aarhus University at the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Fluids and Energy, who will tell us all about the solar cooperative ‘Universitetets Energifællesskab’. It is one of Aarhus' newest energy communities. Zhe will take us through their journey from idea to now having community owned solar panels on top of the university buildings. They have achieved this through crowdfunding in collaboration with students, citizens and Aarhus University.