Talks & film screening: The flip side of carbon markets
Tuesday May 14 at 19:00 - 21:00

Talks & film screening: The flip side of carbon markets

by Global Aktion

Carbon markets are emerging, and carbon off-setting mechanisms such as planting tree plantations or changing farming methods, are in mainstream climate change policies being presented at sustainable "nature-based solutions".

Billions are being invested in ways in which the big polluters and big business can compensate for their emissions.

But carbon markets are green capitalism. Establishing tree plantations as a means of carbon compensation is a finalisation of nature, it is more of status quo's so-called false climate solutions, and it is displacing people from their land.

Join us for an evening, where we bring in critical perspectives on carbon off-setting schemes and their consequences for people's livelihoods around the world.

19.00 - 19.30: Talk on the international projects on carbon off-setting and their power dynamics.
/Francois Questiaux, post doc. at University of Copenhagen
19.30 -20.00: Talk on the consequences of carbon off-setting faced by rural communities in Mozambique.
/Uzna Monteira, activist in Alternactiva (MZ)
20.00 - 20.30: Film screening of "For Our Forests" showing local resistance to big companies' carbon off-setting projects in Mozambique
20.30 - 21.00: Q&A

Look forward to see you!


Global Aktion
Wesselsgade 2
2200 København N