You're invited to join the Reading on Resistance circle! We're diving into powerful works on anti-imperialist and anti-colonial resistance, starting with the crucial topic of Palestinian resistance. Our aim is to amplify Palestinian voices and the scholarship from the Sham and Mashriq regions, while gaining insight from non-western perspectives on resistance.
We are mainly covering two books (also open to suggestions for further readings):
- Palestine and Marxism by Joseph Daher (P&M)
- Selected Political Writings by Ghassan Kanafani (SPW)
In this second session we will cover the following:
-> P&M: Chpt IV, V and VI
-> SPW: A Conversation between the Sword and the Neck
-> Digital Nation (short story) by Emad El-Din Aysha
The event will be both in-person and online. Join the signal group through the event link to get access to the books, online meeting and be updated.