Friday Bar - Baredygtig x Climate Justice Days
Friday Sept. 20 at 16:00 - 18:00

Friday Bar - Baredygtig x Climate Justice Days

by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke


Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelses fredagsbar vender tilbage efter en lang sommerferie. En perfekt lejlighed til at gense sine venner og ryste sommerens varmerekorder af sig.
Til fredagsbaren vil Collective Against Environmental Racism facilitere en panelsamtale, hvor vi skal blive klogere på grøn kolonialisme i Congo i forbindelse med Climate Justice Days.
Fredagsbaren vil blive afholdt i gården, hvor DJ Naturebased Solutions vil spille noget lækker musik.
Hvis man efter fredagsbaren ikke har fået nok, afholder Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke støttekoncert for EACOP-aktivister i Kulturhuset Indre By kl. 19, som man kan tage med over til.
Hvis du har brug for at ryste klimaubehaget af, er det et perfekt tidspunkt at mødes og komme godt ind i sensommeren sammen.

Kl. 16.00: Baggården og baren åbner
Kl. 16.30: Panelsamtale om grøn kolonialisme i Congo med Collective Against Environmental Racism
Kl. 17:30: DJ Naturebased Solutions
Kl. 19:00: Baredygtig slutter
Kl. xx: Støttekoncert for EACOP-aktivister i Kulturhuset Indre By

Beskrivelse af panelsamtalen:
Grøn kolonialisme i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo: Den mørke side af den grønne omstilling
I panelet vil være:
Jessica Derconteé Petersen
Rukiatu Fatmata Sheriff
Dieu-Benit M.B.
Collective Against Environmental Racism vil moderere samtalen.
Arrangementet vil starte med en kort videointervention fra Friends of the Congo.


The Green Youth Movement's Friday bar is back after a long summer break. It's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with friends and shake off the summer's heatwave records.
At the Friday bar, the Collective Against Environmental Racism will facilitate a panel discussion, where we'll delve into green colonialism in Congo as part of Climate Justice Days.

The Friday bar will take place in the courtyard, where DJ Naturebased Solutions will be playing some great music.
If you haven't had enough after the Friday bar, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke is hosting a benefit concert for EACOP activists at Kulturhuset Indre By at 7 PM, which you can head over to.
If you need to shake off some climate anxiety, it's the perfect time to meet up and ease into the late summer together

Description of the Panel Discussion:
Green colonialism in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The dark side of the green transition
In the panel will be:
Jessica Derconteé Petersen
Rukiatu Fatmata Sheriff
Dieu-Benit M.B.,
The Collective Against Environmental Racism will moderate the discussion.
The event will start with a short video intervention from the Friends of the Congo.

4:00 PM: The courtyard and bar opens
4:30 PM: Panel discussion on green colonialism in Congo with Collective Against Environmental Racism
5:30 PM: DJ Naturebased Solutions
7:00 PM: Baredygtig ends
7:00-10:00 PM: Benefit concert for EACOP activists at Kulturhuset Indre By.


Fælledvej 12
Fælledvej 12
2200 København N