Support party for a comrade!!
Kom forbi i Solidaritetens navn og støt Benni !
Overskuddet går til retshjælp og udgifter vedrørende sagen.
Mere info om sagen under bandsne!
Live Acts:
Void Queen (DE)
Pistol Pistol Pistol (D61)
Bag Lukkede Døre (dk)
DJ Pauli403 (Berlin)
60 kr
English below
Vores kammerat Benni har siddet varetægtsfængslet i Leipzig siden 5th Januar 2024. Han er anklaget for at have kastet en molotov cocktail mod politiet til Day X demoen mod antifa øst retssagen i Leipzig sidste år. Udover at være sigtet for at deltage i demonstrationen er han også sigtet for drabsforsøg. Efterforskningen blev almen kendt da politiet lavede en storstilet razzia aktion mod den autonome scene i Leipzig og prøvede at kidnappe Benni i forbindelse med en retssag vedrørende LuWi-71 besættelsen. Benni nu eftersøgt til varetægtsfængsling havde held med at undslippe politiet kløer den dag. Den 5th Januar meldte han sigselv til varetægt, ikke af egen fri vilje men med realisationen at friheden slutter så snart ens navn er i politiets søgelys.
"Our companion Benni has been in custody in Leipzig prison since the 5th of January. He is accused of throwing a molotow cocktail at the cops from the USK Dachau on Day X in Leipzig during the protests in reaction to the judgement in the Antifa East trial. In addition to the thousand-fold accusation of a particularly serious case of breach of the peace for simply taking part in the demonstration, he is accused of attempted manslaughter. The investigation and the arrest warrant became known on 23 November 2023, when the cops once again carried out a large-scale raid against the autonomous scene in Leipzig and tried to kidnap him from a court case concerning the LuWi-71 occupation by a masked MEK. Benni, the comrade condemned to pre-trial detention, did not appear in court that day, which turned out to be great luck. He handed himself in on 5 January 24. However, this was not a voluntary surrender, but rather the bitter realisation that freedom ends as soon as your name appears on the detention order."