Forum for Prison Abolition: The European boarders and surveillance technologies
Saturday Oct. 12 at 17:00 - 20:00

Forum for Prison Abolition: The European boarders and surveillance technologies

by Forum for Prison Abolition

Come join Forum for Prison Abolition's monthly assembly at the 2nd floor of Folkets Hus.

This meeting we will a workshop about the European borders, surveillance and repression against people on the move.

We always welcome both new people and people already active in the group. There will be some food at the meeting. So spread the word and bring friends and comrades!


Borders and prisons are fundamental to managing the wealth, social inequalities, and opposition to the harms created by capitalism and the present round of neocolonial dispossession. 

The (neo)colonial order that is reinforced by Western democracies is using the logic of apartheid to erect physical, psychosocial and bureaucratic barriers that divide and regulate the flow of bodies - borders restrict, punish, marginalising and violently push back illegalized and racialised bodies. 

The presentation will draw on experiences made in two border regions in Europe, focusing on different institutions and technologies that are being used to restrict and violate the freedom of movement, and that are used to strengthen and protect the so-called Fortress Europe.


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N