Academics for Palestine_ Introduction Meeting
Torsdag d. 3. april kl. 17:30 - 19:00

Academics for Palestine_ Introduction Meeting

We are a network of university employees advocating for Palestinian liberation in the face of genocide and settler colonialism. Based at Københavns Universitet (KU), we have built a strong network with various academic and student movements organized across the eight Danish universities, exposing institutional complicity in the ongoing genocide and actively working to dismantle it. In this effort, we must stand together—students, staff, professors, researchers, teaching assistants, and everyone in between. We need your help to challenge the hierarchies embedded in Danish universities and to push for the severance of ties with Israeli universities and private entities complicit in the Israeli apartheid regime.
Our strength lies in solidarity. Join us at our introduction meeting on Thursday, April 3rd, to learn about our actions, our organizing strategies, and our current lines of work. This space is open for everyone to participate, share ideas, and contribute to the vision of a liberated Palestine.

Together we stand
Together we fight

Date: April 3rd
Location: CSS, KU campus, Room 5-1-16
Time: 17:30- 19:00


CSS, KU campus
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1357 København