TRAIN TO NOWHERE - Call to action against the North Bothnia Line (August 11th - 17th 2024)
Onsdag d. 14. aug. kl. 01:00
til 16. august 2024 kl. 01:00

TRAIN TO NOWHERE - Call to action against the North Bothnia Line (August 11th - 17th 2024)

This is a call to action against the North Bothnia Line, a railway just beginning to be built along the coast of Swedish-occupied Sápmi. This project is a continuation of several hundred years of brutal colonization of the peoples and lands in Sápmi. Extractive industries are thriving on the increased demand for raw materials following the so-called "green transition". This makes them continually stress the importance and urgency of the train line.

Read more on (EN) or… (SWE)

Spread the call to action with this zine…


We believe that there is a possibility to win this fight if we broaden our ways of attack and internationalize the struggle. We do not want to define your means or your targets.

Do whatever feels in line with your way of acting. Are you and your group confident in organizing sit-ins and blockades? There is plenty of corporate offices all around!

How about banner drops, zine tables and solidarity photos to broaden the reach of our efforts? We welcome your creativity and experience, and hope to see many different approaches on all kinds of platforms.

Of course, we also have to speak of attack. Simply taking actions for optics and making demands to the powerful to take 'morally' right decisions leaves us dependent on their institutions and lip service. We have come to see mass mobilizing in the same way, where a game of quantity aims to only reform a tiny piece of the machinery. Attack offers more: a qualitative approach undertaken by a few committed people that is able to have rippling effects. We invite you to entertain this idea and refer to links further along for inspiration.


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