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Want to get a taste for the power of oral storytelling traditions? 🔥 Join us! All are welcome, whether you tell stories a lot or have never done it before but are curious.
Maybe you already have a story that has captured your imagination, and you would like to try telling it in a supportive group where you can receive encouraging and useful feedback. Maybe you'd just like to learn something about ways of relating to story.
We will offer a variety of exercises to flex the muscle of our imaginations in relation to story and crafting a story to tell, in a friendly, warm and welcoming space.
Two of us will be holding the space: Danish storyteller and story coach Svend-Erik Engh, and UK/Irish storyteller and coach, Iona Dalglish. For more info, please get in touch! We hope to see you there 🙂
This event is held in A-Huset. Iona Dalglish is an artist in Useful Art for Communities, a social art-ivist collective based in Institut for (x)