Samhuga prát og samvera aftaná filmin "No Other Land" // Solidarity chat and socializing after the screening of "No Other Land"
Onsdag d. 27. nov. kl. 22:00 - 23:59

Samhuga prát og samvera aftaná filmin "No Other Land" // Solidarity chat and socializing after the screening of "No Other Land"

af Samhugi við Palestina

--- English can be found below ---

Í samband við, at Filmsfelagið sýnir háaktuella heimildarfilmin "No Other Land" (2024) í Havnar Bio komandi mikukvøld 27. november, bjóða vit øllum til óformelt prát og samveru á ovastu hædd í Sirkus aftaná filmin.

Filmurin “No Other Land” lýsir systematisku týningina av Masafer Yatta økinum í hersetta Vestara Áarbakka, umframt vinalagi og felagsskapin, sum mennist millum palestinska aktivistin Basel og ísraelska journalistin Yuval. Talan er um ein sterkan film, ið gevur eitt sjáldsamt og menniskjaligt innlit í harðrendu ísraelsku hersetingina av palestinsku økjunum.
Filmurin, sum er eitt samstarv millum fýra ísraelskar og palestinskar leikstjórar, hevur fingið ómetaliga góð ummæli og hevur vunnið fleiri prísir í ár, m.a. á Berlinale, har hann vann "Panorama Audience Award for Best Documentary Film" og "Berlinale Documentary Film Award".

Filmurin stendur til at byrja kl. 20, so vit vænta at vera á ovastu hædd í Sirkus kl. 22ish.
Um man enn ikki hevur ognað sær atgongumerki til filmin, so eru enn nøkur eftir á heimasíðuni hjá Havnar Bio. Og um man longu hevur sæð filmin ella ikki kann fara til sjálvan filmin, men hevur hug at stinga høvdið forbí, er man sjálvandi eisini vælkomin til tað ❤

-- English ---

In connection with the screening of the highly topical documentary "No Other Land" (2024) in Havnar Bio on Friday 27 November, we invite you all to an informal chat and socializing on the top floor of Sirkus after the film.

The film “No Other Land” chronicles the systematic destruction of the Masafer Yatta area in the occupied West Bank, as well as the friendship and community that developed between Palestinian activist Basel and Israeli journalist Yuval. It is a powerful film that gives a rare and human insight into the brutal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The film, which is a collaboration between four Israeli and Palestinian directors, has received incredible reviews and has won several awards this year, including at the Berlinale, where it won the "Panorama Audience Award for Best Documentary Film" and the "Berlinale Documentary Film Award".

The film is scheduled to start at 20:00, so we expect to be on the top floor of Sirkus at 22:00.
If you haven't bought tickets to the film yet, there are still some left on the Havnar Bio website. And if you have already seen the film or can not go to the film itself, but want to come chat, you are of course also welcome to do so ❤


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