North Atlantic Solidarity Workshops North Atlantic Solidarity Workshops
Fredag d. 10. jan. kl. 17:00 - 20:00

North Atlantic Solidarity Workshops

af North Atlantic Solidarity Network

Want to join us as we burn off 2024 and look forward to building a better future together?

In light of the recent elections in Iceland and the global shift to the right, you're invited to Áramótabrenna - new years bonfire - on the 10th of January. The North Atlantic Solidarity Network invite all to an evening with workshops on affinity groups and direct action. We wish to strenghten our collective ability to resist right wing and colonial violence as members of the North Atlantic diaspora in Copenhagen as well as solidarity activists in general.

Come to Áramótabrenna on the 10th of January at Folkets Hus! The event starts at 17:00.
The programme:

What is the North Atlantic Solidarity Network?

Direct Action and Affinity Groups

The theme for these workshops are how to be practically prepared for various situations faced by non-parliamentarian activists in Iceland.

End of the formal programme. We hope you'll stay around and chat, hangout. We will serve a community dinner (Vegan), and then afterwards move to Folketspark and light up a bonfire.

Terms used:

Áramótabrenna - is Icelandic for ‘New Year’s bonfire’. There is an áramótabrenna in every community during New Year’s Eve where the old year is burnt to make way for the new.

Takk fyri tað farna - is a Faroese New Years greeting where you thank your friends and acquaintances for the year that passed.


Folkets Hus
Stengade 50
2200 København N