More than a book club - Surveillance capitalism and the surveillance state
Onsdag d. 2. april kl. 17:00 - 18:30

More than a book club - Surveillance capitalism and the surveillance state

Curious about technofeminism, open source software, or feeling lost in the digital tech jungle?

Join Kritik Digital and CURSOR when we collectively explore *what is up* with the cyberspace these days at our More-than-a-book-club sessions.

For each session, we will put together an easy-access package of materials such as short videos, memes, social trends, magazine articles, apps and more. We meet up and share our experiences and thoughts on the material - collectively reflection on the digital technologies we engage with every day.

For this session we'll explore the topics of Surveillance capitalism and the surveillance state


Ungdommens Demokratihus
Slagtehusgade 10a
1715 København V