af Coalition of different groups and organizations
English below
Regeringen trykker stadig speederen i bund på vej mod klimakollaps, støtter Israel med våben som bruges til folkemord og nægter at standse det animalske landbrugs dyremishandling og ødelæggelse af natur og klima.
Samtidig er den basale ret til at protestere mod enorme uretfærdigheder under angreb. Vi ser at aktivister tiltales med hårdere straffe og en stigning i politivold på gaden.
I løbet af efteråret skal ca. 30 miljøforkæmpere, dyrerettighedsaktivister og palæstina-aktivister for retten. Et par af disse risikerer fængselsstraf. Samtidig skal cirka 200 i retten for at kæmpe imod ulovlige arrestationer og tilbageholdelser, herunder særligt fra aktioner som Vendepunktet organiseret af Extinction Rebellion, aktioner mod våbenfirmaet Terma og aktioner organiseret af Nødbremsen.
Flere aktivister, der protesterer mod salg af danske våbendele, der bliver brugt til at slå civile ihjel i Palæstina, får deres hjem ransaget, og varetægtsfængsles. På gaden bruger politiet i stigende grad smertegreb på fredelige aktivister.
Det er voldsomt at stå i for den enkelte person og det tærer på vores alle sammens bevægelser. For at vi på nogen måde kan forsøge at formindske og bekæmpe repression, er vi nødt til at stå sammen i solidaritet. Det er tid til at møde op og vise støtte til vores medborgere!
Tag noget varmt tøj på, en ven under armen og mød op foran Københavns Byret tirsdag d. 26. november kl. 17. Demonstrationen er organiseret af en koalition af forskellige grupper og organisationer.
The Danish government is still putting pedal to the metal on the highway to climate collapse, supports Israel with weapons that are used for genocide, and refuse to stop the animal agriculture, and their abuse of animals and destruction of nature and climate.
As a response, different civil society organisations have been protesting, using civil disobedience and other tactics to show their opposition to climate collapse and genocide. At the same time, the basic right to protest against these enormous injustices is under attack. We see activists being prosecuted with harsher penalties and an increase in police violence on the streets.
During the autumn, approx. 30 environmentalists, animal rights activists and Palestine-solidarity activists are being taken to court. Several of these activists are threatened with prison sentences. At the same time, around 200 activists are going to court to fight against wrongful detainment and detentions, including the actions 'Vendepunktet' organized by Extinction Rebellion, actions against the arms company Terma and actions organized by Nødbremsen.
Many activists who have protested against the sale of Danish weapon parts that are used to kill civilians in Palestine have had their homes searched and have been taken into custody. One of whom has been in pre trial detention since the beginning of October. On the streets, we can see that the police are increasingly using pain grips on peaceful activists.
This repression is exhausting and hard for the individual person and it takes up resources for all our movements. We need to fight this repression and stand together in solidarity. It's time to show up and support our comrades! Put on some warm clothes, take a friend under your arm and show up in front of Copenhagen City court on Tuesday 26 November at 5pm. The demonstration is organized by a coalition of different groups and organizations.
Yderligere information:
Den danske stat står ikke alene i deres kriminalisering og repression af aktivister. I England er fem aktivister blevet idømt 4-5 års fængsel, blot for at planlægge fredelige protester imod klimasammenbrud. I Tyskland slår staten hårdt ned på alle demonstranter i Palæstina demonstrationer. I det globale syd er konsekvenserne for at protestere langt værre - en miljøforkæmper bliver dræbt hver anden dag. Verden over strammer regeringer lovene og retsforfølger aktivister for at bruge deres grundlæggende menneskerettigheder som ytringsfrihed og forsamlingsfrihed. I Danmark vil Dansk Folkeparti og Liberal Alliance indføre endnu hårdere straffe for at protestere.
FN advarer om at den hårde repression har en ’chilling-effect’ på aktivister, at politivold og retssager afskrækker aktivister fra at organisere sig. Michel Forst, FN's Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under Aarhus konventionen, siger:
"Den undertrykkelse, som miljøaktivister, der bruger fredelig civil ulydighed, i øjeblikket udsættes for i Europa, er en stor trussel mod demokratiet og menneskerettighederne. Den miljømæssige nødsituation, som vi kollektivt står over for, og som forskere har dokumenteret i årtier, kan ikke løses, hvis de, der slår alarm og kræver handling, bliver kriminaliseret for det."
Aarhus konventionen handler om beskyttelse af miljøforkæmpere - en FN traktat som Danmark har underskrevet. NOAH har i oktober udgivet en nyt rapport der beskriver at repression mod miljøforkæmper i Danmark stiger og har enorm betydning for aktivisternes trivsel. Du kan læse den her:
Additional information:
The Danish state is not alone in their criminalization and repression of activists. In England, five activists have been sentenced to 4-5 years in prison, just for planning peaceful protests against climate collapse. In Germany, the state cracks down hard on all demonstrators in Palestine demonstrations. In the Global South, the consequences for protesting are far worse - one environmental defender is killed every other day. Around the world, governments are tightening laws and prosecuting activists for using their basic human rights like freedom of speech and assembly.
The UN warns that the harsh repression has a 'chilling effect' on activists, that police violence and lawsuits discourage activists from organizing. Michel Forst, the UN's Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, says:
"The repression that environmental activists who use peaceful civil disobedience are currently facing in Europe is a major threat to democracy and human rights. The environmental emergency that we are collectively facing, and that scientists have been documenting for decades, cannot be addressed if those raising the alarm and demanding action are criminalized for it."
The Aarhus Convention is about the protection of environmentalists - a UN treaty that Denmark has signed. In October, NOAH published a new report which describes that repression against environmental activists in Denmark is increasing and has enormous significance for the activists' well-being. You can read the report here: