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Globalt Fokus invites you, together with NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark, to an afternoon focusing on COP30 and questions such as:
-What Brazilian civil society and indigenous peoples expect from the climate summit in Belém on the edge of the rainforest
-How Brazilian civil society and indigenous people are mobilizing
-How you as a Danish civil society actor can prepare
The keynote speaker is Lúcia Ortiz, president of Friends of the Earth in Brazil, who will talk about civil society's expectations for COP30, and the prospects for a COP where forests go back into focus. Afterwards, participants will have the opportunity to talk to Lúcia about how Danish civil society - and civil society actors from the global north in general - can show solidarity and engage from now until the COP.
Other speakers will be announced on an ongoing basis.
The event is open to all members of Global Focus, as well as all other civil society organizations with an interest in COP30.
The event is part of a series of two capacity-building events focusing on COP30, with the goal of equipping Danish civil society actors to engage in the work surrounding the UN climate summits, whether they participate in the climate summit in Brazil or not.
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