Climate Justice Days 2024 - Aarhus
Søndag d. 15. sept. kl. 00:00
til 22. september 2024 kl. 23:59

Climate Justice Days 2024 - Aarhus

af Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Aarhus

----------------- /// ENGLISH below
* Kom med til Climate Justice Days 2024!*
Kære venner, aktivister og klimainteresserede

Det er med stor glæde at vi nu inviterer jer til dette års Climate Justice Days.

Kom med til en inspirerende uge fyldt med arrangementer, hvis fokus er at skabe en grønnere og mere retfærdig verden for alle. Da vi står over for en eskalerende klima-og biodiversitetskrise, stigende ulighed og svækket demokrati, er det afgørende, at vi står sammen om at skabe forandring, sprede viden og udviser solidaritet med dem, der er mest påvirket af klimakrisen.

*Sammen gør vi en forskel!*
Climate Justice Days er ikke bare en sammenkomst. Det er en opfordring til handling. Ved at deltage bidrager du til den voksende bevægelse for positiv, systemisk forandring. Uanset om du allerede er dybt involveret i klimaaktivisme eller lige er begyndt at udforske, hvordan du kan gøre en forskel, er denne begivenhed noget for dig.

----------------- /// ENGLISH /// -----------------
*Join Us for the Annual Climate Justice Days 2024!*
Dear Friends, activists and Climate Advocates

We are thrilled to invite you to this year's Climate Justice Days. Join us for an inspiring week of events focused on creating a greener, fairer world for everyone. As we face a growing crisis of environmental breakdown, rising inequalities and weakened democracy, it's crucial that we unite to spark change, spread knowledge, and stand in solidarity with those most impacted by the climate crisis.

*Together We Can Make a Difference!*
The Climate Justice Days are not just a gathering; it's a call to action. By attending, you'll be contributing to the growing movement for positive systemic change. Whether you're already deeply involved in climate activism or just starting to explore how you can make an impact, this event is for you.

🌍SUNDAY 15/9🌱
12.00-14.00 // Farmers Market
14:30-17:30 // Landbrugets natur (movie screening at Øst for Paradis) (Dk)

🌍MONDAY 16/9🌱
17.00-18.00 // Colonialism: The cause of the climate crisis (En) >

🌍TUESDAY 17/9🌱
entire day exhibition // From Detachment to Action: Climate Justice Through the Eyes of Sil Moison >
10:00-14:00 // Visualizing CO2 Storage with Sand Patterns and Danish Geology
15:00-18:00 // Constructive Climate Journalism >
18:30-20:00 // Envisioning Climate Action: Interactive Workshop on Equity and Sustainable Futures >

16:00-18.00 // Profit Over The Planet - How Do Banks Work? (En)
17:00-20:00 // Global Kitchen - Indonesia
19:00-21:00 // Improv theater show >

16:30-18:30 // Klimakoret God Energi åben øver - Climate Choir God Energi open session

🌍FRIDAY 20/9🌱
15:00-17:30 // Embodied Climate Action with Acting For Climate >
17:30-19:00 // Biodiversity Bingo >

13:00-17:00 // Clothing Swap

🌍SUNDAY 22/9🌱
17:30-18:00 // Filmscreening >
18:30-22:00 // Community kitchen >


Ukendt adresse
None Aarhus